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  • Introducing Our Newest Forum: Hobbies & Projects.

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on July 6, 2018 at 5:10 am

    I am excited to be acting on the idea of one of our members, which was to create a forum where patients living with IPF/PF (or their caregivers) can showcase different projects that we’ve been working on. A couple of months ago, I wrote a column about the gift of quiet hobbies and how they can bring forward new opportunities.


    Many of you were able to relate to this column and subsequent forum topics, letting me know that you’ve re-engaged in quiet hobbies and projects as well. As a result, I also thought this forum would be a great idea for us all to share those projects!

    Since my diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) I have had to give up many hobbies and activities that I once enjoyed, such as sports or running with my dog. Many of these activities, including one sport in particular, was a big part of my identity growing up and when I had to give this up due to my diagnosis, I really had a hard time. I asked myself things like, “now what was I going to do with my spare time?”, “if I can’t play hockey, where will I channel my energy and keep my mind busy?” I was lost at first when I had to give up my favourite sport, and even more when I lost the social aspect of this game (ie. my teammates who understandably went on to play without me).

    Once I was able to move past that initial shock and sadness, I began exploring an old hobby that I loved in high school but had lost due to things just getting too busy. It is a quieter hobby, focused more on creativity and memory-making: I started scrapbooking and card-making again. I also began focusing some energy on home decor projects, and making gifts for others. Not only do I thoroughly enjoy doing this, it also brings in a little extra cash for me and it leaves people with something from me if this disease extinguishes my life early.

    Stay tuned: I will update a few images of the projects I’ve been working on tomorrow. For now, please feel free to share with us some of your projects, including photography, woodworking, painting(s) or any quiet hobby that brings you joy while living with IPF/PF. I look forward to sharing some of my projects with you tomorrow.

    Please remember not to save/use/duplicate a photo of someone’s hobby or project without asking them first, and obtain their permission to share it if you choose to do so. Thanks! 

    MKE replied 5 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Sully

    September 16, 2023 at 5:28 am

    Seems a shame that nobody is contributing to this forum. I’m an artist I all sorts of media. I’m particularly interested in models at the mo. Recently finished dark crystal castle with lights

    • Maria Donihoo

      September 19, 2023 at 2:16 pm

      That’s awesome! I would love to see those!

  • Randi

    September 19, 2023 at 10:31 am

    Hi Charlene!

    What a great idea! I have NSIP, more fibrotic than cellular, and my motto is not to grieve over what I can’t do, but to celebrate what I can. NSIP has provided me with an opportunity to explore various creative avenues including sculpting and watercolor painting. I would love to post pictures, but I can only see a possibility to post videos. Wishing us all the ability to live our best lives possible!

  • Maria Donihoo

    September 19, 2023 at 2:15 pm

    I find that doing mixed media helps me relax and I forget about everything (including eating and time) while doing so!

    I love crafting!

    Blessings to all!

    Tina Donihoo

    • Pauline Korol

      September 19, 2023 at 8:25 pm

      Same here. I love to paint, watercolours, acrylics and mixed media. Like you, I lose myself in it. I also love to decorate our home. It’s a way of keeping busy and good for the soul.

      • MKE

        February 20, 2024 at 8:07 pm

        It’s not easy but with acceptance of what is now, comes an opening of the spirit and it can lead you in many directions. I love this forum!

  • Kathryn Maguire

    September 21, 2023 at 11:09 am

    I am a quilter and since going for a walk is very difficult for me I have my quilt room all set up and I work on a quilt or 2-3 every day, for the most part. Like others it takes my mind off of my disease and lets me be creative. It also allows me the opportunity to make/give quilts to my family members and friends. I also use Pinterest and You Tube for new fabric and pattern ideas somedays I’m so busy the day flies by and I feel accomplished; a feeling I love.

  • Terri

    September 21, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    I work full-time, so I don’t have a lot of extra time for hobbies/interests. I read novels when I can and have the energy. I start every morning with the NY Times online word games, Spelling Bee, Connections, and Wordle. They are my “coffee.” They wake up my mind and get it rolling for the day.

    • MKE

      February 17, 2024 at 4:40 pm

      Me too! Wordle, Spelling Bee, Connections & Mini Crossword.

  • Marilyn Cellucci

    September 21, 2023 at 3:56 pm

    Dear Sully,

    Is “dark crystal castle with lights” like a doll house model or something like that?

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