I just found out that my low stamina and low oxygen and tiredness and 25# weight loss and some night sweats and things since May 30,2023 were actually determined by my cardiologist (after the last one left) to be in part a need for a stent in an artery. Had open heart surgery years ago and had forgotten about a few more arteries that were partial clogs.
Just had stent two weeks ago and believe I may have subjectively 10% more energy, awareness ,now. Had not thought that there might be collateral issues other than the IPF that gave me similar problems. But the logic was that the lungs can’t process C02 if the heart can’t pump it to the lungs efficiently. Cardio pulmonary hypertension was the decision. Maybe IPF gets blamed too easily? Maybe an experienced cardiologist is a more important team member than we think? Maybe this will extend my downward spiral just a bit? Hope so.