
Self-help Tips for When IPF Becomes Overwhelming

It’s no secret that life-threatening illnesses are overwhelming. Suddenly, patients must try to understand a flood of unfamiliar information, accept psychological and physical changes, and manage numerous appointments. Due to all of that, it is essential that patients find effective coping strategies. This is not something I’ve perfected,…

Adjusting Christmas Plans Due to Exhaustion

Christmas is a week away, and I’ve been tired from shopping, decorating, and making plans. I’m feeling discouraged because my fatigue has prevented me from accomplishing what I want to. I’ve had to do a lot of adjusting due to my pulmonary fibrosis (PF) troubles. I love decorating, but…

Grieving the Workplace Skills I’ve Lost Due to IPF

Most of society thinks of grief in the context of a loved one’s death. However, people with chronic illness grieve other things as well, such as personal losses inflicted by disease. Since my 2016 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis, I have become increasingly aware of the things I’ve…

Tips to Conserve Energy During Holiday Gatherings

With the holiday season upon us, the social gatherings have begun. An unofficial start to the holidays for me is attending my family Christmas dinner, which occurs on the last Saturday of November. Our extended family is too large to bring everyone together in December, so we…

Using Technology to Get Help

Over a month ago, one of our readers, Mardy Sitzer, shared a wonderful idea with me. She graciously permitted me to share it with you. Like many of us, Mardy has had IPF for quite a while and is on oxygen 24/7. Her IPF is advanced enough…

A Gratitude Miniseries: November 2018

With November coming to a close, I look forward to sharing with you the things I am grateful for as part of my continuing miniseries on gratitude. As I turn over my calendar to December, I can’t help but smile as I reflect on all the great things…