
Beginning Testing for a Lung Transplant

About six weeks ago, I shared that I am under consideration by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) for a lung transplant. A few weeks ago, I got the good news that UCSF said YES to allow me to start initial testing to…

To My Manager: What I Wish You Knew

Working with a life-threatening illness such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is difficult to manage, regardless of whether that work is full- or part-time. Exhaustion, illness, and hospitalizations often get in the way of being able to complete tasks efficiently, and may also prevent me from meeting organizational deadlines.

The Challenge of Traveling with Oxygen

As a pulmonary fibrosis patient, I try to stay as active as possible. But as my disease has progressed, it has been harder and harder to travel. Just a few days ago, my husband and I traveled 400 miles to see my 94-year-old father whose health is failing.

A Gratitude Miniseries: February 2018

If you have been reading my previous columns, you might recall that at the beginning of the new year, I decided to write a gratitude piece as each month in 2018 comes to a close. It is hard to believe this is the case for February already!…

The Unexpected Positives of PF

Being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis is tough, don’t get me wrong. If I could wave a magic wand and not have PF, I would. As I’ve grieved over the last three and a half years, I’ve come to appreciate some positives related to this diagnosis. To learn more…

Why I Still Consider Myself Lucky

Some people would call me unlucky to have life-threatening idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) at the age of 28. Even more would agree that I have bad luck if they knew that the prognosis for this disease was three to five years. I am approaching my second year after diagnosis,…

A PF Patient Reflects on Another Birthday

Two weeks ago, I was blessed to celebrate another birthday — 61 to be exact! As a PF patient, you know how significant this is. I wonder if every birthday is my last. These thoughts happen for me with every holiday and anniversary, too. I normally would not…

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