
My Dog is the Best Therapy for IPF

For animal lovers out there, it won’t come as a surprise that having a dog has been a blessing since being diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in early 2016. I often reflect on the timeline of when my dog “accidentally” became part of my life, shortly before…

Pursuing a Lung Transplant

Last week, I visited my pulmonologist at the University of California, San Francisco. I was a little nervous, because my last appointment six months ago was very discouraging. I had worsened significantly. This time, I got better news: no change since the last visit, which was encouraging. My…

Understanding Palliative Care

Last week, my husband and I met with a palliative care nurse. A few weeks ago, I shared in another column my frustration with seeking palliative care. Our meeting with this nurse was very helpful. I’ll share what I learned, and I hope it will…

Being a Patient Can Test Our Patience

Everyone diagnosed with a life-threatening disease or chronic illness can have a different experience as a patient. Many factors might cause this, including how involved patients are or want to be in their medical care, the expertise of their physicians, and how rapidly or invasive their disease becomes.

I Am Changed Since My Diagnosis

It likely wouldn’t surprise anyone to hear that after being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, there are many things about which a patient might feel differently. There also are changes both internally and externally that a patient will endure. These can be grander things, such as the way…

Planning Ahead — a Gift to Your Loved Ones

In my more recent columns, I have been writing about wrestling with end-stage pulmonary fibrosis and sharing my experience with seeking palliative care. As you can tell, I like planning ahead to take care of my own needs and the needs of my loved ones. My…